Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Holiday HW Article 1

A cakeshop in Serangoon North has been fined for drying longevity noodles in the sun.

Environment officers investigated the shop following a complaint from a member of the public.The complainant also mentioned that the peach buns that were sold were not freshly-baked. Although officers found the shop hygienic and clean, the licensee occasionally dried the noodles in the sun before packing them for sale.

According to the licensee, the peach buns and longevity noodles are usually purchased for worship.
If they are purchased for consumption, the longevity noodles have to be cooked. The peach buns can be kept without refrigeration for a few days. The National Environment Agency had issued a warning not to dry the noodles in the passageway or under the sun and subsequent checks showed the warning was heeded.

However, during an inspection on Monday, NEA officers saw the licensee drying the noodles by hanging them from a stainless steel rack.NEA said since the shop-owner had been warned before, it imposed a S$100 fine for an infringement under the Food Hygiene Regulation.

NEA said it will continue to monitor and conduct surprise checks on the premises

In my opinoin, i think it is unsafe to consume foodstuff that is dried outdoors as recently, there has been H1N1 outbreak and the virus can be anywhere.

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STZ || 10:57 PM

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Name :: Saung
Age :: 12
Class :: 6c

6Courage Rawks!


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